Wednesday, December 27, 2017

SOX ARENA - The Socks Specialists: Quality, Quality Management System, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement & Quality Terms

SOX ARENA - The Socks Specialists: Quality, Quality Management System, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement & Quality Terms

Quality Assurance & Quality Improvement:

To give understanding about both QA and QI so these are not mixed with each other in understanding.

Quality Assurance
Quality Improvement
* Catches " Bad Apples" People or work focus
* Examine and improve the process
* Eliminate the bad performers
* Does not find fault
* Detect problems
* Integration into work
* A program
* Process oriented
* Result oriented
* Maintain standards and systems
* Evaluate the out comes
* Focus on best practices, so all can learn/benefit

* Meet the minimum standards
* Ongoing process improvement
* Control
* Breakthrough improvements
* Identify the outliers
* Identify the system

Who is
* Usually 1 or 2 persons in a facility
* Teams
* Committees

Driven By
* Regulations
* Organization
* Accreditation
* Data
* Knowledge of Peers
* Knowledge of all
* Special Cause variation
* Common & Special causes examined
* Statistical Analysis
* Revision of performance

* Monthly Or Quarterly
* Continuous

* No Historical value or Customer input
* Customer driven
* Assigned responsibility for monitoring indicators
* Organization of a team comprises of people that work in the process
* Ask WHO
* Ask WHY

Quality Improvement Means Process Improvement:

a) Steps to Quality Improvement
b) Quality Improvement Tools

Quality, Quality Management System, Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement & Quality Terms

What is Quality ?

  1. Quality is the degree to which a set inherent characteristics full fill requirements. 
  2. Conformance to customer requirement, specifications and fitness for use is Quality.
  3. Meeting the customer requirement is Quality.

Quality Management System (QMS):

A Quality Management system  can be expressed as the organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources  needed to implement quality management.

Ø  Quality Management System recognizes the importance of:

§  Customer Satisfaction
§  Prevention over Inspection
§  Continuous Improvement (PDCA)
§  Management Responsibility.

Quality Planning:

One of fundamental tenets of modern quality management is: Quality is planned, designed and built in-not inspected in.

Special Causes

- Considered unusual and preventable.

- Manufacturing process produced 250 defects per million due to assembly errors.

Common Causes

- Considered normal and acceptable

- Your manufacturing process considers one defect in a lot/doz. due to bad raw material.

Quality Control & Quality Assurance:

Quality Assurance:

The process of auditing quality requirements, and the results from the Quality Control measurements, to ensure quality standards and operational definitions are used/met.

- QA involves Quality Audits.

Quality Control (QC):

A process of monitoring and recording results ( both product and process management) of executing quality activities to assess performance and to recommend necessary changes.

- QC involves identifying ways to remove the causes of quality defect.

- Measure specific product results against the standards.

- Implement Approved Changes to Quality Base Line.

- Containment and Repair Defects.

- Quality Control involves Inspection and requires an understanding of Sampling Strategies, Tolerances and the causes of the variation in a process.

An Audit:  Audit is a structured review of the products Quality Management activities to determine if they comply with organizational policies, procedures and process.

Some Quality Terms:

Prevention – Keeping errors out of process.

Inspection – Keeping errors out of hands of the customer.

Attribute Sampling – Result conforms or Not

Variable Sampling – The result is rated on a continuous scale that measures the degree of conformity.

Tolerance – Specified range of acceptable limits control limits, Threshold, which can indicate whether the process is out of control.

Acceptance Sampling – Inspection of a sample from a lot to decide whether to accept that lot.

Six Sigma Quality – A Term generally used ti indicate process capabilities in terms of Process spread measured by standard deviations in a normally distributed process.



The workshop was designed on SMART MERCHANDISING for those Merchandisers who are already working in some textile organization & those who intend to become the part of Merchandising. Mr Shahzad Dadbhoy conducted this workshop who is permanent faculty of Textile institute of Pakistan and thereby teaching Merchandising course. He has been running his own buying agency for a long time with the name of Dadabhoy textile sourcing.
The work shop started at 9:00 AM and class was filled up with Merchandisers from different textile field.  The workshop was divided in four sections throughout the day.

Section A: Introduction to Merchandising
Section B: Importance of Sampling, types of sewing machines
Section C: Types of fabric, it’s costing, consumption and TNA of apparel Production.
Section D: Costing/Pricing, Trims/Accessories, future trend in quality

Section A:
The introduction of Merchandising was to have an idea about the fields where Merchandisers work and how they can fine tune their jobs. What we understand about merchandising concept from this work shop is
Production, Development, Sourcing, Costing and understanding of Raw material. Some Management skills like Time management, timely execution of task, to meet the demands of the job in a specified amount of time. We also understand the concept of seasonal changes like how different products are placed in which category according to style and selling seasons.

Merchandiser should have common sense/ logical approach, Ability to learn and adapt quickly, personal organizational / communication skill and ability in achieving targets.
Merchandiser knows that due to changing trends and situations each order is different from other and every time he has to face unexpected situations. He is able to handle additional workload with his team and manage time. Moreover Merchandiser common sense helps in evaluation of orders, time factor consideration, decision making, mistaken shipment targets being avoided and avoid repetition of work.

Personal Organizational / Communication Skills.
As Merchandiser receive information from foreign customers so their communication is culturally different as we do internally/ therefore every Merchandiser should be understanding power and they may response persuasively with customer because Merchandiser is bridge link between company and customer for making and building relationship and retain the customer. The marketing team struggle an years to get the customer attention in our organization thus by providing services these merchandisers can retain customers for long term business. One customer lost mean business lost millions of dollar.
Merchandisers receive some important documents from customer which are always important for future reference so their file should be updated with all records, focus on cleanliness of desk, reports etc.    
Merchandiser’s communication skill is not applicable for customers only but with co-workers as well because you are the only person who interpret customer message across the concerned person in company. The information receives from customer not as per company’s requirement. Merchandisers refine and interpret the information into work order by having all above qualities.

Target achieving:
Merchandiser is aware of targets and customer urgency so he should be aggressive with the reason and provide on time deliveries, highlight about potential problem when it look for happening so that team jointly work out and take responsibility by every dependable to achieve targets.
Below are some job descriptions of a Merchandiser which are being followed in different companies subject to magnitude of company. If company volume of work is high then some areas are given below divide into further departments.

Job Description of a Merchandiser:
Sales/Marketing/Customer dealing
Organizational Communication,
Negotiate prices with the vendors/Customers.
Order details.
The art of arranging things/attachments of materials on time.
Approval from customers
Delivery sheets Production Planning.
Production Reports/auditing/Rejection
Reports from Assistants
Problem solving
Meeting Minutes/Order Closing


Importance of Sampling
The timely submission and approval of samples is an integral part of ensuring the production cycle remains on schedule.
In this section we could learn types of samples that are being followed internationally to complete order cycle. We learnt every sample type in detail and understand the Merchandiser’s sample responsibility. We also look the structure of sample department, staff, equipment etc. Also the method of working in the sample department.  We further came to know some technical information regarding stitching machines used in apparel industry. Instructor had shown some videos on stitching, dummy reports, test results, sample remarks sheet, sample log that are being followed in companies.


This section is based on fabric production, purchasing and knowledge of fabric types.
We came to learnt importance of Fabric and its wastages that affects on costing. The wrong planning of fabric may leads lost of thousand dollars. Lead time of fabric, planning of fabric because fabric constitutes almost 70% of garments or more. Cost saving could be done on the cutting table, if fabric is utilized efficiently and this could be done only if the fabric is defect free. Always suggest buying better quality yarn to begin with. Avoid buying any low quality yarn and B fabrics especially where woven fabrics are concerned.
We also got to know different types of fabric. Instructor teaches about woven, knitted fabric and its importance that what factors that should be checks at all level.
Than we were taught regarding quality control of fabrics at all level either inline, during manufacturing etc. and importance of costing & consumption that can be reduced by taking effective step during or before production. Instructor shows some fabric calculation with us to exercise when needed in practical life. He shows different type of garments and gives awareness of differentiation among all.  We also get familiar with the term “time and action plan”. In practical field very few company follow this on order basis but it is alive in the books and effective. If I want to describe it one sentence that “TNA is the bird’s eye view of the orders” what coordination needs to be done at what time, proper orderly material procurement. Need to make sure to get things done on basis of priority.


In this section we learnt about product costing and its importance. It is in depth analysis and understanding of product development, material, production process, and plant operations.  What is cost variance and why does it occur. Difference between what was planned in the initial costing and what actually happened. Difference in budgeting and actual costs
This cost variance comes due to insufficient information from previous orders. The initial costing is not close to what actual should be. There have been mistakes done along the product making chain. Time allocated for the order was not sufficient and extra days were used to close the order, Production bottle necks, late shipment and procurement of the material was late.
We also understand how we can improve our profit by making strong purchase of raw material and other dependent accessories with the help of credit terms and sufficient timing, control on wastages, management techniques, effective cross checks, proper auditing of production report, and QA reports and make best & effective strategies. At the end of session we exercised by doing costing of dummy order. This is closing part of the work shop.


This work shop brings positive changes in our perception and in merchandising philosophy. What we understand earlier and what now. I strongly recommend to those Merchandiser who started their career in textile merchandising should attend these kind of workshops and get training in 3 month Merchandising course to make oneself effective Merchandiser for organization and to be worthwhile asset.
Merchandiser should also take training on below courses to groom for merchandising aspect.
Communication and interpersonal skills,
self management skills and
stress management
These above training areas enhance Merchandising job in effective manner

Thank You


Change Request Form

[This form is divided into three sections. Section 1 is intended for use by the individual submitting the change request. Section 2 is intended for use by the Functional Manager to document/communicate their initial impact analysis of the requested change. Section 3 is intended for use by the Change Control Board (CCB) to document their final decision regarding the requested change.]

Type of CR


Submitter Name

Brief Description of Request

Date Submitted 

Date Required

Reason for Change

Assumptions and Notes


Attachments or References

Approval Signature

Date Signed

Schedule Impact

Cost Impact



Approval Signature

Date Signed

 Approved with Conditions
 More Info
Decision Date

Decision Explanation
[Document the CCB’s decision]
[Document and conditions imposed by the CCB]
Approval Signature

Date Signed

HOME - Product Range

PRODUCT RANGE:  We can provide all kind of Socks using 84N (3.50”inch Dia), 84N (5”Inch, 4.5Inch Dia) 96N, 108N, 132N, 144N, 168N ...